You often hear experienced parents advising new parents to take time to enjoy every moment and to savor babies being babies. As new parents one of your biggest worries is survival. How to survive on little sleep, with a screaming baby that needs a diaper change again! With each new milestone your precious baby comes one step closer to toddlerhood, so often these milestones are met with happy tears. A reflection on how you all survived, mixed with anxiety of how quickly time is passing by.
When Prachee contacted me to capture their celebration of the twins’ Anna Prashan (Hindu tradition: eating solid food for the first time), I knew she wanted to savor the fleeting moments. The moment the twins first tasted anything other than milk. Dressed to the nines the twins enjoyed a sweet, a savory and rice dish all carefully prepared. It felt like only yesterday when they were brought home from the hospital and now they are moving onto solids. It was a bitter sweet and savory moment for all!