Before your baby is born, as a parent it’s all about “what will my baby sleep in” or “what will they wear on their first trip home”. Once the baby is born it’s all about “oh my gosh will I ever sleep again”. Then it moves on to “how will I entertain this growing bundle of joy”. Everything becomes a worry, “will I take them to swim class or music class” and confusion sets in “ which class is better and what is cost effective”. It doesn’t stop there “when is the best time to go” and it goes on and on “ do I go before nap time or after nap time”. With so many things on your plate you will need the help.
And that help comes in the form of HiSawyer.com. An online, one stop shop for the best NYC classes for kids. You have access to hundreds of classes tailored to your needs. Easy filters help you find the right match for you and your little one. With easy booking and cancellation polices it is flexible enough for those tricky nap times. As a new mom I like being able to plan my week on a Sunday evening without having to worry about missed classes and make up classes. Easy peasy, because we all know the minute you have a schedule with your little one its bound to change 😉
Hi Sawyer Event Hosted at Edamame Cute Cuts and More