The first born enjoys many perks for just being the first born. These perks include new clothes (no hand me downs), schedules revolving around them and of course the undivided attention of parents and grandparents. Then one day your parents bring home a newer, cuter version and suddenly there are two apples competing for your parents eyes.
It’s not hard to see why Adi is the apple of his parents eyes. He is the first born but is also kind, sweet and like any other 5 year old he is full of energy. Very soon he will have to share being the apple of his parents eyes, as he is about to become a big brother. His world will change and he will be given a lot of responsibility. He will have to show his sibling the right way to do wrong things and of course quickly learn to share his toys. I have full confidence that he will be an amazing big brother and will have no trouble sharing the spotlight.